Getting Started FAQ

Frequently asked questions on getting started with 0x API.

Jake avatar
Written by Jake
Updated over a week ago

My project would like to integrate with 0x. How can I contact the 0x team?

We appreciate your interest in building with our APIs. To get an API key and start building for free, please create an account on the 0x Dashboard. You may also check out our enterprise options and contact our team for more custom needs. Our team will review and respond to you.

What is an app?

An app is a self-contained unit for each individual application that you’re building. Each app can have its own unique API keys and configurations.

What blockchains does 0x support?

Swap API is available on Ethereum (Mainnet and Sepolia) as well as various EVM chains and L2 solutions, including: Arbitrum, Avalanche, Celo, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Optimism and Polygon (Mainnet and Mumbai). Gasless API is currently available on ETH, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, and Polygon. Orderbook API is available on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.

What are the eligible tokens?

0x will levy fees on a limited set of tokens that is subject to change. Moreover, the fee may be forfeited on other trade conditions. The fee, when applied, will be returned in each API response.

How can I monitor my API usage?

You can monitor the API usage for your apps on the 0x Dashboard.

Is there a fee to use Swap API?

The Swap API has a powerful free plan that you can access by creating an account via the 0x Dashboard. However, we also offer paid plans with higher throughput to support you as your user base and transactions grow. You can review and select the perfect plan for your team's needs on our pricing page.

0x also takes an on-chain fee on swaps involving a select few token pairs for the Free and Starter tiers. This fee is charged on-chain to the users of your app during the transaction. If you are on the Growth tier, we completely waive this fee for your customers. In cases where we charge a fee, we'll return the value of the fee in the API response in the zeroExFee parameter. You can find more details about this in the Swap API reference.

Can I use 0x API for price data only?

For price data only, you can get real time DEX prices for tokens via our Price API.

The Price API is $19 per 100k requests:

  • 100 RPS per app

  • 1 app

  • Pay as you go

You can get started here:

Does the 0x Dashboard support having multiple user accounts for our team?

For now we only support one user per team account, but we will add support for multiple users in the coming weeks.

I have a staking or 0x protocol / 0x governance question. Can you assist?

Our developer support team processes 0x API related requests. For protocol questions, we recommend reaching out in the #governance channel on the 0x Discord.

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